It’s Spring, so why am I not happy?

It’s spring – everything is growing, the weather is warming up, so why am I not feeling any spring in my step?

Am I depressed?

You are not alone. Depression is a real disease. Just like a broken bone or an infection, sometimes we get sick or hurt and need help.

If you or a loved one are experiencing some of these symptoms, it may be some form of depression:

  • Lethargy, tired all the time
  • Body aching
  • Bad mood, irritable, angry
  • Sad, crying
  • Anxious, nervous
  • Not interested in anything
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Poor sleep, Insomnia
  • Or sleeping a lot
  • Weight gain or loss

Maybe it started with a dramatic life change.  A new baby in the family, a divorce, the death of a loved one, a traumatic accident. The causes for depression are many. There may be food sensitivities. Perhaps the brain isn’t producing the feel good hormones, like serotonin or dopamine.

Is there an option without medication?

We, at the Cruz Center, are here to listen to your concerns and have effective, natural treatment options tailored to the individuals needs, to help you or your loved one to feel better. Together we will evaluate which treatment or combination of treatments will help you or your loved one the best.

Natural Treatment Options for Depression

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a very effective treatment to address the brain. The Laser light penetrates the brain and stimulates the brain cells energy centers for cell renewal and better function.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a system of evaluating your nutritional needs and making diet modification and adding supplements to nourish the brain, reduce inflammation and ease pain. Perhaps there is a gluten sensitivity, or a different food allergy. The health of our digestive system is vital for a health brain. We offer several types of Blood tests to find out what the problem is and then know how to eliminate the cause.


Chiropractic care makes sure the nerves can transmit vital signals throughout the organ systems including the brain for balanced function, absolutely necessary for health and well being.


The Neuroscope works directly with balancing brain function. Comfortable ear clips or a head band deliver a a finely calibrated micro current with just the right amount of stimulation to the brain to normalize functions of the brain cells directly. This balances the release of the critical feel good hormones dopamine and serotonin. Read more about how the Neuroscope works here.

Please know that we understand that at times it may seem like there is no hope, but there is. When dealing with depression we need a team approach, you are not alone, we are here for you.



Mood Cure by Julia Ross M.A.

The Brain’s Way of Healing by Dr. Norman Doige M.D.

Here is helpful information on depression from the National Institute of Health here.

If you or your loved one is in a crisis and may be thinking or talking about suicide, here is the Toll-free confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or go to 

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