Cyrex™ is a Laboratory that specializes in Functional Immunology and Autoimmunity. It is the most advanced and comprehensive testing for Autoimmune and Pathogen testing.

They Specialize in Autoimmune, Leaky Gut, Pathogens, Viruses, Bacteria, Gluten Intolerance, Chemical Sensitivities.

Tests we offer:

Array 2: Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen– This test measures intestinal permeability to large molecules which inflame the immune system and it also identifies the damaging route through the intestinal barrier.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Present multiple symptom complaints (including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  • Suffer from abnormal immune cell count and function (including autoimmune)
  • Have multiple food sensitivities.

Array 3: Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity– This test is to identify the possibility of Celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, dermatitis herpetiformis, gluten ataxia or other wheat/gluten-related disorder; it also assesses autoimmune reactivity associated with wheat proteins and peptides.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Have non-responsive GI symptoms.
  • Present multiple-symptom complaints (including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia).
  • Suffer from depression or neuro-autoimmunity.

Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods– This test is used to identify additional dietary proteins to which the Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive (NCGS) or Celiac Disease (CD) patient is sensitized, detect immune reactivity to known gliadin cross-reactive foods, and categorize the 1-in-2 NCGS or CD patient who is also sensitive to dairy products.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Have Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease.
  • Are experiencing limited improvements or are non-responsive on a gluten-free diet.
  • Have gut dysbiosis, which appears to be resistant to standard therapy.

Array 5: Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen– This test is used to measure predictive antibodies, some of which can appear up to ten years before the clinical onset of disease, and economically and efficiently assess possible tissue damage to multiple organs of the body.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Have a diagnosed autoimmune disorder, as they commonly develop additional autoimmune conditions.
  • Have chronic increased intestinal permeability, which is the gateway for environmentally induced autoimmune disorders.

Array 6: Diabetes Autoimmune Reactivity Screen– This test is used to assist in the early detection of autoimmune processes of Type 1 Diabetes, impaired blood sugar metabolism and Metabolic syndrome; and it is used to assist in monitoring the effectiveness of related treatment protocols.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Have Type 1 Diabetes or severe/atypical manifestations of Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Have family history of Type 1 Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome.
  • Have Gluten-Reactivity, Dairy Sensitivity and/or Cerebellar ataxia.

Array 7: Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Screen– This test is used to assist in the early detection or neuro-autoimmunity, evaluate severity of the autoimmune response and assist in monitoring the effectiveness of related treatment protocols.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Have idiopathic neurological conditions such as Cerebellar Ataxia or Peripheral Neuropathy.
  • Show decline in brain function with accompanying fatigue or Fibromyalgia.
  • Have Gluten-Reactivity and/or Dairy-Sensitivity contributing to neurological dysfunction.

Array 8: Joint Autoimmune Reactivity– This test is used to assist in the early detection of mixed connective tissue disorders and assist in monitoring the effectiveness of related treatment protocols.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Have arthritis, arthralgias, or joint inflammation following exposure to environmental triggers.

Array 10: Multiple Food Immune Reactivity– This test is used to evaluate immune reactions to foods, raw and/or modified, food enzymes, lectins and food additives, including meat glue, artificial colorings and gums. It’s also used for the early detection of dietary-related triggers of autoimmune reactivity, and to monitor the effectiveness of customized dietary protocols for the patient.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Seek a life-long health and wellness strategy.
  • Present with unexplained symptoms whether gastrointestinal, neurological, dermatological or behavioral in nature.
  • Are suspected of having increased intestinal permeability, which is the gateway for environmentally induced autoimmune disorders.

Array 10-90: Multiple Food Immune Reactivity– This test is used to evaluate immune reactions to foods, raw and/or modified, food enzymes, lectins and food additives, including meat glue, artificial colorings and gums. It’s also used for the early detection of dietary-related triggers of autoimmune reactivity, and to monitor the effectiveness of customized dietary protocols for the patient.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Seek a life-long health and wellness strategy.
  • Present with unexplained symptoms whether gastrointestinal, neurological, dermatological or behavioral in nature.
  • Are suspected of having increased intestinal permeability, which is the gateway for environmentally induced autoimmune disorders.

Array 10c: Array 3, 4, 10 ($135 Savings)– This test is a combination of Array 3, 4, and 10.

Array 11: Chem Immune Reactivity Screen– This test is to identify the loss of immune tolerance associated with xenobiotic exposure, which may lead to autoimmune reactivity, to assist in setting guidelines for the avoidance of specific chemicals to reduce the risk of igniting the autoimmune process, and to monitor the effectiveness of clinical management of the patient.

It is recommended for patients who have:

  • Increased chemical sensitivities/intolerance.
  • Loss of immune tolerance and/or abnormal immune function.
  • Autoimmune disease and/or a family history of autoimmune disease.

Array 12: Pathogen Associated Immune Reactivity Screen– This test is used to detect immune reaction to key pathogens that may lead to multiple autoimmune reactivities, to determine the role of pathogens in cases of ‘unexplained’ autoimmune reactivities, and to monitor the effectiveness of clinical protocols for addressing pathogens associated with multiple autoimmune issues.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Present chronic conditions such as gastrointestinal distress, fatigue, body aches or unexplained general inflammation, including neuroinflammation.
  • May have been exposed to bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds, and spirochetes associated with multiple autoimmunities.
  • Have not fully responded to clinical interventions, such as detoxification and dietary modifications.

Array 20: Blood Barrier Permeability– This test is used for early investigation in management of contact sports-related Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), for evaluation of breach of the Blood-Brain Barrier by stress, trauma, or environmental triggers, even in the absence of apparent concussion or brain injury, and to assist in the assessment of increased risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, and Stroke.

It is recommended for patients who:

  • Play contact sports during which repeated head trauma occurs.
  • Engage in activity that involves force or shock to the body and/or head.
  • Have intestinal permeability with abdominal elevation in LPS and/or Occludin/Zonulin antibodies.
  • Exhibit changes in cognitive function.

If you want to learn more, or have questions, feel free to send an email to us at!